This week we have been learning all about trains. The children have enjoyed sharing the story of 'The Train Ride' by June Crebbin. The Wise Owls have enjoyed learning the story and adding actions. Please ask your child to show you. The other children have enjoyed making different marks through using trains in paint and creating trains in the crate area.
The Super Squirrels have had a visit to the library today. They all had a fantastic time and enjoyed their visit. All the children enjoyed looking at the books and shared a story. Mrs Tacon was very pleased with them all. Well done Super Squirrels!
We have been very busy gardening this week. Early years would like to say a big thank you to Luke Shipton's Grandma who has kindly donated some vegetable which the children have planted with Mrs Parker. We look forward to watching them grow over the next few weeks.
Well done to Leo Grason and Katie-Leigh Metcalfe for getting our Stakesby Stars certificates.