Elm class are looking forward to next week! We have the cinema trip on Monday, our Christmas celebration in St. Hilda's church on Tuesday, Christmas dinner and our party all going on. Fun times ahead!
This week, we have spent a long time lovingly creating our calendar in class and Christmas cards with Mrs Mason. We had fun cutting out all the emojis and sticking sequins on our cards.
We have needed very strong stomachs as we carry on with our work with the Anglo-Saxons. We have been looking at crime and punishment and we really enjoyed the 'trial by ordeal' video. The punishments were very brutal and we have spent a long time discussing the effectiveness of them!
In maths, we have carried on with our 10 in 10 sessions as we are progressing really well and trying to beat our scores each week.
Our star of the week is Harry for making AMAZING progress and ratio gains. Well done Harry!