16 November 2017

Friday 16th November

We know how important it is for children to talk about the things that they have seen and done to help with their early speaking and listening skills. That's why this week we've given lots of time and attention to sharing what we saw at the museum on our trip last week, and also when the firemen…

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10 November 2017

Friday 10th November

What a busy, but wonderful week we have had. We have started learning about people who help us and have been learning all about the fire service. We have look at photographs of fire engines and the uniforms and equipment the fire fighters use. We have learnt a song called '5 Little Firemen…

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19 October 2017

Thursday 19th October

We have been making up our own version of 'We're going on a bear hunt this week' and the children have had excellent ideas like a 'rain storm....a soggy, wet rain storm' and 'a hill......a  big, tall hill!'

We have enjoyed using the instruments to sing songs that are lod and quiet this week and…

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12 October 2017

12th October 2017

This week we have been listening to the story 'We're going on a bear hunt'. We used musical instruments to make the sounds in the book and we used the classroom to hunt around for the bear!

Why not have a look at Michael Rosen reading his story on youtube? We think your children would love to…

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Image of 5th October 2017
5 October 2017

5th October 2017

This week we were all invited to bring in our favourite toy to share with our friends. We stood at the front of the class and told our friends all about what our toy was and why it was special. Our teachers were really pleased with how careful we all were with other children's toys. It's good to…

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21 September 2017

Thursday 21st September

This week we have continued are learning about ourselves and our favourite things. We have been talking about our friends and what we like to do with them. The Wise Owls have done a tally chart to show the activities they enjoy. The Super Squirrels tried doing some sorting using big hoops to show…

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14 September 2017

14th September 2017

We are all delighted to be back in Acorn's Class and have had a very busy couple of weeks. Well done to all our new children who have joined us and their famalies.

Our new Wise Owls children have enjoyed visiting the tree house to do some of thier focused tasks and all the children in on a…

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9 July 2017

Sealife Centre

This week the Acorn children visited the Scarborough Sealife Centre. We got to see lots of different sea creatures including seal, starfish and crabs. We found out lots of interesting facts such as Jellyfish have no brain, bones or blood. Please ask your child which was their favourite part of the…

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2 July 2017

30th June 2017

This week we have finally got to pick some of our vegetables I between the rain showers. We got to pick some of the carrots and they looked fantastic. The gardens are all doing really well and we hope to try the lettuces next. Please have a look at the gardens when you get time. 


We have…

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Image of 16th June 2017
18 June 2017

16th June 2017

This week we have had a very busy week. We were lucky enough to join Year 5 to complete The body coach, Joe Wicks, schools fitness session. All the children did exceptional well and amazed us all with them following all the moves and completing all the tasks. Well done all of you!



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Image of 12th May 2017
15 May 2017

12th May 2017

This week we have enjoyed learning all about cars and journeys.  

We changed 'The Train Ride' and wrote our own version called 'The Car Ride'. We enjoyed writing about things we would see on a car ride around Whitby. Please ask your child to retell you their story.

We also completed a car…

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Image of 5th May 2017
5 May 2017

5th May 2017

This week we have been learning all about trains. The children have enjoyed sharing the story of 'The Train Ride' by June Crebbin. The Wise Owls have enjoyed learning the story and adding actions. Please ask your child to show you. The other children have enjoyed making different marks through…

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