22 June 2018

Friday 22nd June 2018

This week, we've been working very hard on our assessments and practising for our Family Celebration and Dragon Days. Miss Robson says it's all coming along very nicely and you have a super performance to look forward to!

Our sunflower looks a little healthier this week and Mrs Gurney is most…

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15 June 2018

Friday 15th June 2018

As another busy week draws to a close, we are already looking forward to exciting times in the coming weeks! We have surfing, sports day and a visit to the Tall Ships that are visiting Whitby, to look forward to.

In science, we have been looking at human development, this has tied in with our…

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8 June 2018

Friday 8th June 2018

Our 'Dragon Days' play practise is well underway now and we are very much looking forward to performing for you! We have lots of fun activities coming up in the next six weeks so we're feeling very excited and positive.

Despite this, (and the weather!) we continue to work hard in Elm Class.…

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24 May 2018

Friday 25th May 2018

Elm class are looking forward to a warm, sunny half term. Fingers crossed! 

This week we have been working on comprehension, RWI spelling, SPAG and report writing in literacy, and comparing Eastern European climates for our topic work.

In maths we have been learning about translation and…

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20 May 2018

Friday 18th May 2018

Hi there- what a week!

This week, we have been told that we are producing a play with year 6, so we are very excited about that! We have been learning our songs and we will be having auditions this week. Some of us are very hopeful for main speaking parts.

In literacy, we have been…

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27 April 2018

Friday 27th April 2018

Elm's Superstar of the Week is Lexi, for a motivated approach to learning. Well done Lexi!

In literacy this week we have been report writing. We are designing and testing a trainer of our choice and after checking the features of a report, writing up the results. We are also working on our…

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20 April 2018

Friday 20th April 2018

The lovely weather has lifted everyone's mood in Elm class and we're starting the summer term with a spring in our step and raring to go! We've welcomed Miss Taylor and we're trying our best to impress her.

We're finishing up our work on The Highwayman in literacy so we're excited to find out…

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29 March 2018

Thursday 29th March 2018

You may have noticed that we are blogging a day early this week! We are breaking up for Easter today at 2pm. We are very excited about that! We have all worked our socks off this term and Mrs Tillson and Mrs Gurney are delighted with the progress our learning is making. 

Most of us have been…

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23 March 2018

Friday 23rd March 2018

We are very excited by our new literacy topic this week- The Highwayman by Alfred Noyes. We have been learning about the poem and understanding the vocabulary, themes and figurative language.

We have been maths detectives this week! Using our investigative skills, we have been employing a…

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16 March 2018

Friday 16th March 2018

This week, we have written thank you letters to Barbara at the Co-Op for taking time out of her day to spend teaching us about Fairtrade products from the Co-op.

In maths, we have been problem solving decimals, fractions and their equivalents, and assessing so that Mrs Tillson can see our…

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9 March 2018

Friday 9th March 2018

We've been working on a war-themed piece of story writing this week and have watched the animation of 'Beyond the Lines' provoking much discussion and emotion. We are also watching Mister Tom alongside passages from the book. We are all really enjoying the film, Mrs Gurney especially!

In maths,…

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23 February 2018

Friday 23rd February.


Although delighted to be back to our learning, our World War 2 History topic has taken a more sombre turn this week as we learn (in an age-appropriate way) about The Holocaust. We are respectfully learning about the events of The Holocaust and the lessons learned by it. Many of us have gone…

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